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First Class Functions

We are defining FVAE, arithmetic expressions with first class functions. In this language, functions are first class object; they can be passed as an argument, modified, returned or assigned to a variable.

FVAE adds two new rules to expression. Let’s define Fun to make a closure, and App for function application.

enum Expr: prevExpr {
    // includes all the former definition
    case Fun(String, Expr)          //fcf
    case App(Expr, Expr)            //fcf

We also need a new type of value, CloV to express the function as a value.

enum Value: oldValue {
    case CloV(String, Expr, Env)    //fcf

Interpretation implementation.

func interp(_ e: Expr, _ env: Env) -> Value
    switch e {
    case .Num(let n):
        return .NumV(n)
    case .Add(let l, let r):
        return NumVOperation(ADD, interp(l, env), interp(r, env))
    case .Sub(let l, let r):
        return NumVOperation(SUB, interp(l, env), interp(r, env))
    case .Val(let x, let i, let b):
        return interp(b, env + [x : interp(i, env)])
    case .Id(let x):
        return env[x]!
    case .Fun(let x, let b):
        return .CloV(x, b, env)
    case .App(let f, let a):
        switch interp(f, env) {
        case .CloV(let x, let b, let fenv):
            return interp(b, fenv + [x : interp(a, env)])
            exit(1)     //error: Not closure!

print(interp(.Val("x", .Num(5), .Val("f", .Fun("y", .Add(.Id("x"), .Id("y"))),
                  .App(.Fun("g", .App(.Id("f"), .App(.Id("g"), .Num(1)))),.Fun("x", .Id("x"))))),Env()))    //NumV(6)

All the materials are from CS320 class held on 2021 spring, KAIST.