Lecture Note 7
- Arc: Atomic reference counting
- considering concurrncy
Suppose one thread incrementing the value and second thread decrementing the value
l = Read the variable counter;
write l + 1;
l = Read the variable counter;
write l - 1;
if second thread is executed in between the first thread:
: not considering concurrent runs Solving the problem ->Arc
: guarantees no instructions scheduling interleaves the instruction.
Atomic {
l = read teh variable;
write l + 1;
} // no other thread interleaves
// but not guaranteeing the order of the thread execution
Send trait: it's implementation is unsafe!
Cloning arc pointer: incrementing the reference counter when arc pointer is dropped: incrementing the reference counter
// arc guarantees the data inside is shared
// mutex guarantees the integrity of modification.
g = a.locK();
*g = 42;
spanwed thread panics -> delivered to main thread
lifetime of function sent to spawn
let counter = Arc::clone(&counter);
thread::spwan(move || {
// use counter;
// arc guarantees that counter will not be dropped;
- Intermittent computing
Implementing garbage collection:
- mark and sweep
- tracing algorihthm
- reference counting
- improved algorithm: reference count for small counts, tracing for larger counts
- reduce the $#$ of tracing (improve performance)
problem of reference counting:
- cycled objects : there will be always an object that points to self -> use trace
-splitting the counts (strong / weak)
- tree : strong edge (going to child) / weak edge (going to parent)
- strong count -> drop
- weak reference