F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static,
T: Send + 'static,

Reference counter approach

  • if the count of the references == 0, we can free the object
  • suppose creating a new reference counter from the new one
  • suppose destroying a new reference counter a

Reference counter shouldn't be sended to another thread

  • thread T1 and T2 has access to rc
  • concurrent access the same object fof rc leads to shared mutable state

Rust concurrency libraries

  • thread
  • scoped thread
pub fn scope<'env, F, T>(f: F) -> T
where F: for<'scope> FnOnce(&'scope Scope<'scope, 'env>) -> T,
  • 'scope : lifetime of scope
  • 'env : lifetime of the objects borrowed (thus used) by scoped threads;
  • 'env: 'scope should be guaranteed
thread::scope(|s| {
    s.spawn(|| {
        println!("hello from the first scoped thread");
        // We can borrow `a` here.
    s.spawn(|| {
        println!("hello from the second scoped thread");
        // We can even mutably borrow `x` here,
        // because no other threads are using it.
        x += a[0] + a[2];

    // two spawned thread will be joined at the moment when the `s` ends.
    println!("hello from the main thread");