Lecture Note 5
Instruction sets
MIPS -> pipelining
The immediate specified in an instruction is a 16-bit two's complement number in the range
[-32768, 32767]
: sign extend immediate value -
lb, lh
, : sign extenloaded byte/halfword -
beq, bne
: sign extend the displacement -
4 bits == 1 hex digits (0 ~ 15)
I-format instruction: only two registers needed
immediate arithmetic and load/store instruction
- op (6)
- rs (5)
- rt (5) : destination or source register number
- constant / address (16) : 2's complement constant / offset(2's complement) added to base address in rs ->
[-2**15, -2**15-1]
J-format (jumps)
How the program is stored in the computer (memory)a
- Instructions and data are stored in memory
- programs can operate on programs
- Binary compatibility: requires standardized ISAs
movement of data between processor and memory can be a bottleneck
R: op | rs | rt | rd | shamt | funct
Shift operations (R)
- shamt: how many positions ()
- rs is not used: set to
- shift left logical (sll) -> fill right bits with 0
- sfhit right logical (srl) -> fill left bits with 0 : only for unsigned no.
And operations (R)
- R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt]
Not operation : implemented by NOR
a NOR b = NOT (a or b)
nor $t0, $t1, $zero //
Conditional operations (I)
beq rs, rt, a
: jump a(offset) if rs == rtbne rs, rt, a
: jump a(offset) if rs != rt
Jump operations (J)
j L1
: jump to L1
Basic block
- no embedded branch (except at end)
- no branch target (except at beginning)
-> no changes in control flow (assured sequential)
compiler can optimize (accelerate execution of basic blocks)
conditional operations
slt rd, rs, rt
: rd = 1 if (rs<rt) else 0;- sgn(rt- rs)
slti rd, rs, constant
: rd = 1 if (rs<constant) else 0;- sng(constant-rs)
- e.g.
$s0 = -1 (1111...1)
and$s1 = 1 (0000..1)
- slt $t0, $s0, $s1 // $t0 = 1
- sltu $t0, $s0, $s1 // $t0 = 0
procedure calling
place paramters in registers
transfer control to procedure
acquire storage for procedure
preform procedures' operation
place result in register for caller
return to place that called the procedure
jal ProcedureLabel
: procedure call(jump and link) -
jr $ra($31)
: procedure return(jump return)
Registers that must be saved/restored by callee $s0-$s7($16-$23): saved register $gp($28): global pointer $sp($29): stack pointer $fp($30): frame pointer $ra($31): return address
- store order in memory
-> (bottom) -> local variable -> empty(4 bytes) -> $ra -> saved register -> function arguments -> (top) -> stack grows
Leaf procedure (not calling other procedure)
int leaf_ex(int g, h, i, j) {
int f;
f = (g + h) - (i + j);
return f;
f in $s0, result in $v0